Dearest Pug: August 26, 1940
August 26, 1940
Dearest Pug,
I hope you will excuse
this letter but ever since yesterday I haven’t had a moment to myself. By
typing it I can make it look official, although I won’t have time to say much
because I am being called to do something every minute. But I didn’t want you
to get home and not find a letter and think something was wrong.
Your letters and postcards
sent [to] me across the continent were swell and I hope you enjoyed your trip
home. The relatives didn’t sound like bags after all, according to your
letters. I’m glad to hear it because I do want my future relatives to be nice
people, although I can’t recommend mine especially high to you. Good old
farmers - - you know the type, straw sticking out of their ears and the
backbone of the nation.
It looks like I might be
on the coast earlier than I expected. The chapter from Idaho is determined that
I be out there the last week of September to help in rushing, and it looks like
they might convince Al. If they do I will probably come down the coast from
there and arrive in San Francisco the last of October. Darling, it will be
marvelous to see you again but the only trouble with that is that it leaves
such a long gap until the next time. I doubt if I could take it that long. I’m
just like you and seem to be living just in your memory and the little things
that affected me so much.
Lee Nelson, Marshall and
all the boys are here and are quite surprised to hear about us. Nelson
especially, he can’t quite figure you out. That doesn’t bother me in the least
because I can’t figure him out and never did approve of his ideas. Evidently
when you went with his friend you were quite a source of puzzlement to him.
Just like you are to me Pug, only I love it.
I got a very nice letter
from Cope. In it she said it looked like Johnson and Barnett were hitting it
off. If that is the case then it might be a better idea for you to let people
know that you have my pin so they won’t think you’re taking the next best thing.
However, your Mother will know what is best and you two can work it out. I just
don’t like to see him getting all the breaks, especially when I knew so long ago
that you didn’t really care for him.
My but it is amazing how I
believe you, but I just can’t help it. I realize I am probably just second
fiddle but I guess I deserve what is coming to me after all the girls I have
thrown off. Let me see there was a a, can’t think of her name right now, but
there was a lot of them.
Well Put I will have to
sign off but just as soon as I get a breather I will write a good letter. Might
not be many this week but when I get on the road I can write a lot.
So remember I love you
with all my heart and miss you more than you can realize.
Always yours,