Dearest Margie: July 13, 1940
Dearest Margie,
I received your letter this morning and picture, and both were swell. The only thing wrong with the picture is that I can’t frame it and put I on my dresser where everybody can see it. However, it is nice until I get another one that I can frame.
I haven’t been doing much out of the ordinary except last night I went down to the Edgewater Beach Hotel and who should I run into but Bill Schroder and Bob Pitt. Both wondered if I had seen Chuck before he left and I said no. Pitt said he had written you, but I said nothing. I danced with one of the brothers' (SAE) wives to Will Osborne and tried to imagine what it would be like if it was you. It was awful dancing with somebody else to that music. Say, and by the way, watch out for these Notre Dame guys - I don’t trust them any farther than I can throw a piano. That’s one complex I have for some reason, but I never did trust a Loyola or Notre Dame man because I've seen too many in action. But I know you can take care of yourself and I'm not worried.
Have you heard from (Janet) Cope and is she going to stop through here? I hope so, I would like to see her.
Thanks a lot for getting the petitions signed. It sure didn’t take you long. Al thinks your marvelous, so that makes it marvelous.
I should also say that you shouldn’t listen to anything people say about me and Barb. They love to talk about things they know nothing about.
Tonight is Saturday so we’ll probably go down and have a couple of Zombies, and then they’ll have to hold me down to keep me from flying out to Los Angeles. I want everything to work out right so much that I can hardly wait till I get back, yet I’m almost afraid to. It would sure be marvelous if you could only get back here some way. Why don’t you just get in the car some night and start back? I’ll send you a credit card and you can get back farther than Pomona.
You know I wouldn’t be surprised to see “Nearness of You” in first place on the hit parade. I sure hear it a lot. Of course, I’m not surprised because they must know what it stands for. I just sit here and listen to it and “I’ll Never Smile Again” while I’m writing. And every night I play them just before I go to bed.
The weather here is sure screwy. One day its hot as the dickens and raining and cold the next. But its different so I have liked it so far.
When I get out to the coast why don’t you and your mother drive up to San Francisco on the weekend end? If she can’t maybe Cope would go up with you and we could have a great time because I will be there for a week and I wouldn’t have to be busy with my family and other friends. We could have a marvelous time. You could probably stay at the Sorority house or a hotel. Be thinking about it and tell Cope I would pay for her gas and get her a date with a good SAE. Say the more I think of that the better it sounds. Stay up a week and I’ll just skip Southern California.
Keep writing often and I’ll write as much as possible. And remember,
All my love,
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